• 24Dez
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    "subtitles settings": "Untertiteleinstellungen", }; waitSeconds : 0, ": "Die Videowiedergabe wurde entweder wegen eines Problems mit einem beschädigten Video oder wegen verwendeten Funktionen, die vom Browser nicht unterstützt werden, abgebrochen. "Black": "Schwarz", Diese Übersicht zeigt die Kategorien und Zwecke der Datenverarbeitung und Datenspeicherung dieses Systems. "Transparent": "Transparent", "Video Player": "Video Player", "Chapters": "Chapters", require(['core_form/submit'], function(Submit) { });; "End of dialog window. "Proportional Serif": "Proportionale Serif", ; "White": "Weiß", "Progress": "Status", if (typeof ignore === typeof undefined) { "Font Family": "Schriftfamilie", It is a non-dividend earning account, but it is a great fit if you want flexibility in your monthly balance. }); M.util.js_pending('core/log'); require(['core/log'], function(amd) {amd.setConfig({"level":"warn"}); M.util.js_complete('core/log');});; if (typeof ignore === typeof undefined) { "Dropshadow": "Dropshadow", }); "This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button. }; ","fileexistsdialogheader":"File exists","fileexistsdialog_editor":"A file with that name has already been attached to the text you are editing. paths: { M.util.js_pending('random5fe462bbeb1da7'); Y.on('domready', function() { M.util.js_complete("init"); M.util.js_complete('random5fe462bbeb1da7'); }); "The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support. $('#single_select_f5fe462bbeb1da2').submit(); ; M.util.js_complete('theme_boost/loader'); "Monospace Sans-Serif": "Monospace Sans-Serif", "descriptions off": "descriptions off", require(['jquery', 'core/custom_interaction_events'], function($, CustomEvents) { Get Started. "Loaded": "Geladen", "Opaque": "Undurchsichtig", Startseite; Übersicht zur Registrierungskonfiguration; Unsere Datenlöschfristen. HCU Moodle. ; // In HCU-moodle haben wir einige Selbstlernangebote zum Kennenlernen von moodle erstellt. ", Wenn Sie in der Datenbank zu finden sind, wird eine Mitteilung an Ihre E … Certain areas may have more specific categories and purposes than those listed here. Moodle Moodle Resources. ": "Die Entschlüsselungsschlüssel für den verschlüsselten Medieninhalt sind nicht verfügbar. "Playback Rate": "Playback Rate", The education and research at the HCU Hamburg are aimed at contemplating and concretising what the future of metropolitan areas could and should look like. ","fileexistsdialog_filemanager":"A file with that name has already been attached","renameto":"Rename to \"{$a}\"","referencesexist":"There are {$a} alias\/shortcut files that use this file as their source","select":"Select"},"admin":{"confirmdeletecomments":"You are about to delete comments, are you sure? videojs.options.flash.swf = "https://moodle.hcu-hamburg.de/media/player/videojs/videojs/video-js.swf"; ": "End of dialog window. jqueryui: 'https://moodle.hcu-hamburg.de/lib/javascript.php/1607349410/lib/jquery/ui-1.12.1/jquery-ui.min', It is a web application that allows professors to post course materials (such as documents, discussion boards, assignments, video and audio) online making them convenient and available to students around the … "Window": "Window", CustomEvents.define('#single_select5fe462dc3fc5f6', [CustomEvents.events.accessibleChange]); "captions settings": "Untertiteleinstellungen", module.enhance("id_email"); เข้าสู่ระบบโดยใช้ชื่อผู้ใช้และรหัสผ่านของคุณ (เว็บบราวเซอร์ที่คุณใช้ต้องอนุญาตให้รับ cookies) M.util.js_pending('core/page_global'); require(['core/page_global'], function(amd) {amd.init(); M.util.js_complete('core/page_global');});M.util.js_complete("core/first"); "End of dialog window. }); Es wird aktuell live abgespielt." "Play": "Play", [CDATA[ ", opens descriptions settings dialog": ", öffnet Einstellungen für Beschreibungen", "Unmute": "Unmute", M.util.help_popups.setup(Y); // though. If this line was not here, there would Betätigung der Schaltfläche \"Schließen\" wird dieses modale Fenster geschlossen. Login Um Ihr Kennwort zurückzusetzen, tragen Sie bitte entweder Ihren Anmeldenamen oder Ihre E-Mail-Adresse ein. }, "descriptions settings": "descriptions settings", jquery: 'https://moodle.hcu-hamburg.de/lib/javascript.php/1607349410/lib/jquery/jquery-3.4.1.min', Site. แบบประเมินความพึงพอใจงาน HCU e-learning . M.util.js_pending("core/first");require(['core/first'], function() { "Loaded": "Loaded", ": "{1} is loading. (Last four digits of Social Security number) "White": "White", "Close": "Close", "Small Caps": "Small-Caps", "Window": "Fenster", ": "{1} wird geladen. M.util.js_pending('core/log'); require(['core/log'], function(amd) {amd.setConfig({"level":"warn"}); M.util.js_complete('core/log');});; '*': { process: 'core/first' }, Our completely FREE basic checking requires no minimum balance. ": "Das Video konnte nicht geladen werden, da entweder ein Server- oder Netzwerkfehler auftrat oder das Format nicht unterstützt wird. } "Casual": "Zwanglos", ", NEW! Falls Sie ein Problem mit dem Login haben..... die häufigste Ursache für ein Login-Problem ist die falsche Adresse. "progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}": "{1} of {2}", The HafenCity University Hamburg is the University Of The Built Environment And Metropolitan Development (HCU). } Moodle is the LMS for Lubbock Christian University Is this your first time here? ; //, Die betroffene Person hat ihre Zustimmung zur Verarbeitung ihrer personenbezogenen Daten für einen oder mehrere bestimmte Zwecke gegeben, Die Verarbeitung ist für die Erfüllung eines Vertrags, dessen Vertragspartei die betroffene Person ist, oder zur Durchführung vorvertraglicher Maßnahmen erforderlich, die auf Anfrage der betroffenen Person erfolgen, Stiftung, Vereinigung oder sonstige Organisation ohne Gewinnerzielungsabsicht im Rahmen ihrer rechtmäßigen Tätigkeiten(DSGVO Art. "subtitles off": "Untertitel aus", "Text": "Text", "Red": "Rot", jquery: 'https://moodle.hcu-hamburg.de/lib/javascript.php/1607349410/lib/jquery/jquery-3.4.1.min', FREE CHECKING . "subtitles settings": "subtitles settings", Moodle Log In Guide; Moodle Login; Moodle FAQs; Moodle Student Guide; Moodle is a Learning Management System (LMS) used for delivering course material. }); ", if (typeof ignore === typeof undefined) { "The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported. (function() {Y.use("moodle-filter_mathjaxloader-loader",function() {M.filter_mathjaxloader.configure({"mathjaxconfig":"\nMathJax.Hub.Config({\n config: [\"Accessible.js\", \"Safe.js\"],\n errorSettings: { message: [\"!\"] },\n skipStartupTypeset: true,\n messageStyle: \"none\"\n});\n","lang":"de"}); M.util.js_pending("core/first");require(['core/first'], function() { "Raised": "Erhoben", "None": "None", "Done": "Done", M.util.js_complete('theme_boost/loader'); "Monospace Serif": "Monospace Serif", jqueryprivate: 'https://moodle.hcu-hamburg.de/lib/javascript.php/1607349410/lib/requirejs/jquery-private' "Uniform": "Uniform", require(['jquery', 'core/custom_interaction_events'], function($, CustomEvents) { Thank you videojs.addLanguage('en', { // 'jquery-private' wants the real jQuery module }); ", "This is a modal window": "Dies ist ein modales Fenster", ", ","fileexistsdialogheader":"Datei bereits vorhanden","fileexistsdialog_editor":"Eine Datei mit diesem Namen wurde bereits an den Text angeh\u00e4ngt, den Sie gerade bearbeiten","fileexistsdialog_filemanager":"Eine Datei mit diesem Namen wurde bereits an den Text angeh\u00e4ngt","renameto":"Nach '{$a}' umbenennen","referencesexist":"{$a} Aliase\/Verkn\u00fcpfungen zu dieser Datei","select":"W\u00e4hlen Sie"},"admin":{"confirmdeletecomments":"M\u00f6chten Sie die Kommentare wirklich l\u00f6schen? "It's Me 247" - The HCU Mobile App for Online Banking. }); drawer.init(); For quiz requests please fill in the Moodle quiz template and email it to us. "Magenta": "Magenta", }); ", This is a workaround for a bug in MathJax (see MDL-60458). "{1} is loading. M.str = {"moodle":{"lastmodified":"Zuletzt ge\u00e4ndert","name":"Name","error":"Fehler","info":"Infos","yes":"Ja","no":"Nein","cancel":"Abbrechen","confirm":"Best\u00e4tigen","areyousure":"Sind Sie sicher? "Seek to live, currently behind live": "Seek to live, currently behind live", [CDATA[ [CDATA[ }); About the Library. Run pure online courses or create blended learning experiences to … "Modal Window": "Modales Fenster", ": "Durch Drücken der Esc-Taste bzw. require(['core/prefetch']); require(["media_videojs/loader"], function(loader) { ", opens captions settings dialog": ", öffnet Einstellungen für Untertitel", "Playback Rate": "Wiedergabegeschwindigkeit", ", opens subtitles settings dialog": ", öffnet Einstellungen für Untertitel", }); Aktuell wird es nicht live abgespielt. "Picture-in-Picture": "Picture-in-Picture" ; }); Are you sure you want to navigate away and lose your changes? enforceDefine: true, "Blue": "Blau", "Current Time": "Aktueller Zeitpunkt", "Volume Level": "Lautstärke", videojs.addLanguage('de', { "The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it. Diese Übersicht zeigt die Kategorien und Zwecke der Datenverarbeitung und Datenspeicherung dieses Systems. "You aborted the media playback": "You aborted the media playback", '*': { jquery: 'jqueryprivate' }, Finally, select a date range and, optionally, an account to download transactions for, and click "Download". ": "A network error caused the media download to fail part-way. enforceDefine: true, skipDataMain: true, "Close": "Schließen", "Magenta": "Magenta", skipDataMain: true, ": "The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support. "Subtitles": "Subtitles", "Remaining Time": "Verbleibende Zeit", "Yellow": "Yellow", ", "progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}": "{1} von {2}", โครงการ "ห้องเรียนสดใสไร้ขยะ" Y.use("moodle-core-formchangechecker",function() {M.core_formchangechecker.init({"formid":"mform1_9ZsLJY9bzDGLYGa","initialdirtystate":false}); Category Content von Usern. var require = { } "Done": "Fertig", // Stub module for 'process'. "Unmute": "Ton ein", Impressum require(['theme_boost/form-display-errors'], function(module) { require(['jquery', 'core/custom_interaction_events'], function($, CustomEvents) { ","confirmation":"Confirmation"},"debug":{"debuginfo":"Debug info","line":"Line","stacktrace":"Stack trace"},"langconfig":{"labelsep":": "}}; "Remaining Time": "Remaining Time", In moodle finden Sie weitere Selbstlernmaterialien und Infos über Schulungsveranstaltungen. "Play Video": "Play Video", ", CustomEvents.define('#single_select5fe462dc3fc5f3', [CustomEvents.events.accessibleChange]); Erstellen Sie Ihre Online-Lernseite in wenigen Minuten! // [CDATA[ Escape will cancel and close the window. ","closebuttontitle":"Schlie\u00dfen","unknownerror":"Unbekannter Fehler","file":"Datei","url":"URL"},"repository":{"type":"Typ","size":"Gr\u00f6\u00dfe","invalidjson":"Ung\u00fcltiger JSON-Text","nofilesattached":"Keine Datei","filepicker":"Dateiauswahl","logout":"Abmelden","nofilesavailable":"Keine Dateien vorhanden","norepositoriesavailable":"Sie k\u00f6nnen hier zur Zeit keine Dateien hochladen. ": "Anfang des Dialogfensters. // "Font Size": "Font Size", "Non-Fullscreen": "Kein Vollbild", "descriptions settings": "Einstellungen für Beschreibungen", [CDATA[ M.util.js_pending('theme_boost/drawer'); "Depressed": "Gedrückt", "Seek to live, currently playing live": "Seek to live, currently playing live", ": "Ende des Dialogfensters. waitSeconds : 0, ของวันอาทิตย์ ": "Der Videodownload ist aufgrund eines Netzwerkfehlers fehlgeschlagen. ", opens subtitles settings dialog": ", opens subtitles settings dialog", ","confirmation":"Best\u00e4tigung"},"debug":{"debuginfo":"Debug-Info","line":"Zeile","stacktrace":"Stack trace"},"langconfig":{"labelsep":":\u00a0"}}; Moodle ist die weltweit beliebteste Lernplattform. ","closebuttontitle":"Close","unknownerror":"Unknown error","file":"File","url":"URL"},"repository":{"type":"Type","size":"Size","invalidjson":"Invalid JSON string","nofilesattached":"No files attached","filepicker":"File picker","logout":"Logout","nofilesavailable":"No files available","norepositoriesavailable":"Sorry, none of your current repositories can return files in the required format. // for their 'jquery' dependency. "Font Size": "Schriftgröße", "Semi-Transparent": "Semi-Transparent", require(['core_form/submit'], function(Submit) { ", opens descriptions settings dialog": ", opens descriptions settings dialog", "Cyan": "Türkis", "Casual": "Casual", ", }); ", "Audio Track": "Tonspur", To do this, login to HCU Online Banking, go to the Accounts tab -> Account Summary. "Audio Player": "Audio-Player", "The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it. ", To reset your password, submit your username or your email address below. ", //]]>. Hamburg Open Online University (HOOU) Typically, this would be… Username: achap1234 (last four digits of student ID number). Escape will cancel and close the window. ", M.util.js_pending('core/page_global'); require(['core/page_global'], function(amd) {amd.init(); M.util.js_complete('core/page_global');});M.util.js_complete("core/first"); "The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support. "Green": "Green", Jetzt loslegen Leistungsstark. "Audio Track": "Audio Track", "Volume Level": "Volume Level", }); }); Verschiedene Kurse zeigen exemplarisch Möglichkeiten der Arbeit mit Moodle. "You aborted the media playback": "Sie haben die Videowiedergabe abgebrochen. Moodle assessments. }, module.enhance("id_submitbuttonusername"); "Stream Type": "Streamtyp", $('#single_select5fe462bbeb1da6').on(CustomEvents.events.accessibleChange, function() { ของวันอาทิตย์ Home; Registry configuration summary; Data retention summary. M.util.js_pending('theme_boost/loader'); "Cyan": "Cyan", jqueryprivate: 'https://moodle.hcu-hamburg.de/lib/javascript.php/1607349410/lib/requirejs/jquery-private' map: { ", opens captions settings dialog": ", opens captions settings dialog", var require = { Sie erreichen diese während der Anmeldephasen täglich von 14 bis 17 Uhr per Telefon unter +49 (0)40 4 28 27-2741 oder per mail an [email protected]. You may need to re-register to update your details there." module.enhance("id_username"); "Exit Picture-in-Picture": "Exit Picture-in-Picture", Moodle for non-academic courses is a customized, user-friendly e-learning management system with a wide range of functionality covering content creation, communication, collaboration, management and delivery. "Text": "Schrift", Heartland Credit Union offers a variety of checking accounts and services to meet your needs, including Basic Free and Money Management checking. Login. "Reset": "Reset", //]]> "The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.

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