Documentation obligations (who was present? If you have been tested with a positive result, the Health Authority will ask you for the contacts and the events and courses attended. What are the current regulations? Die Gesamtsituation zu diesem Thema bleibt aber unsicher und kann sich kurzfristig ändern. März 2020 erfolgte Freistellung von zusätzlichem Einkommen hinaus, das BAföG-Geförderte während der Corona-Pandemie im Gesundheitswesen, in sozialen Einrichtungen oder in der Landwirtschaft erzielen, soll durch eine nochmalige gesetzliche Änderung des BAföG künftig derartiges zusätzliches Einkommen auch in anderen systemrelevanten Bereichen von der BAföG-Anrechnung freigestellt werden. You can contact PSE on the phone from Monday through Friday from 9 to 11 via the contact persons‘ regular office numbers, even if some of them work from home. Sofern in den Studien- und Prüfungsordnungen eine Frist zum Ablegen der Wiederholungsprüfung festgelegt wird, wird diese studiengangsabhängig um ein oder zwei Semester verlängert. What are my possibilities regarding my work at KIT? We would also like to pass on a request from the Karlsruhe Health Office to the students: The minimum distancing rules decided by the Executive Board and based on the Baden-Württemberg Corona Ordinance shall continue to apply without restriction. Occupational activities are explicitly exempt from the curfew restrictions. On the following websites, you will find information on when and how to wash hands as well as on reasonable prevention methods, such as cough and sneeze etiquette: We have summarized the relevant links and information for you in the following. Further information can be found on the pages of the KIT Medical Services: Further measures are not necessary as long as no typical symptoms of corona virus infection occur. Die Regelstudienzeit (auch Regelzeit) ist die Semesterzahl, die bis zum Abschluss eines Vollzeitstudiengangs nach der Prüfungs-oder Studienordnung eines Studiengangs an der jeweiligen Hochschule vorgesehen ist. The corona pandemic requires to observe the distance and hygiene rules during all meetings. Please contact the public health care or nursing care insurance directly in order to clarify whether the prerequisites for your short-term inability to work are met according to § 2 of the Pflegezeitgesetz, and to receive your care support allowance. The prior Master's transfer account is limited to 30 ECTS points. Er verweist auf ein Bündel von Maßnahmen, das die Hochschule umsetze, um Studierenden in der Corona-Krise zu helfen: "Man kann sich bis einen Tag vor der Klausur davon abmelden. doors and other entrance areas, passages, corridors, staircases, sanitary facilities, paths at events, tea kitchens, break rooms and other meeting areas. This will also apply to written examinations in the 2020 summer semester, which will take place during the semester break from July 27 to October 31, 2020. If the deadline for taking examinations is to be extended for the remaining students of the diploma courses, an amendment of the study and examination regulations (SPO) is necessary. It is also still possible to conduct job interviews online. Studierende können sich dort mit ihrem KIT-Kürzel einloggen. The Corona App shows me a warning, how should I react? at KIT in the period from December 16 to January 10 in order to minimize contact as far as possible. Mehr . The certification authority of SCC has adapted its procedures to minimizing the risk of infection. Neben den reinen Hardwareanforderungen ist die Langlebigkeit ihres Geräts von Bedeutung – Sie studieren mit einer Regelstudienzeit von 6 Semestern Bachelor und 4 Semestern im Master, sehen Sie ihren Laptop daher als Investition, die Sie einige Jahre begleiten sollte. The most important regulations resulting for the KIT are: As before, keeping the required minimum distance is one of the most effective measures to avoid transmission of the infection. Dieser Eindruck liegt unter anderem auch daran, dass die Regelstudienzeit als How rather not? All activities involving external visitors should be postponed or canceled indefinitely. Information on the use of MS Teams: After checking your library account, the staff will digitally sign the routing slip and forward it to the student service. Since November 8, a digital entry registration is also required if you have been in a risk area up to 10 days before entering. If you are working in shifts, please use this form (available in German only), which will be issued by the relevant organizational units. imported goods, mail, or luggage appears unlikely. KIT-FAKULTÄT FÜR BAUINGENIEUR-, GEO- UND UMWELTWISSENSCHAFTEN KIT ... Corona-Pandemie: Die Beschreibungen in diesem Modulhandbuch sind nicht auf die aktuellen Regelungen bzgl. Das Studium "Bauingenieurwesen" an der staatlichen "KIT" hat eine Regelstudienzeit von 6 Semestern und endet mit dem Abschluss "Bachelor of Science". The authorized signatories are deposited there. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) answers the most important questions relating to the current situation at: Information from the Federal Ministry of Health: Information on prevention measures, such as cough and sneeze etiquette and a good hand hygiene, is given by the authorities on the following websites, for instance: The Medical Services of KIT also provide information: Please reduce your contacts to as few persons as possible. KIT must support these efforts by collecting data for contact tracking. at KIT in the period from December 16 to January 10 in order to minimize contact as far as possible. Die KIT-Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften beantwortet Ihre Fragen zum digitalen Lehrangebot und allgemeinen Studienbetrieb im Wintersemester 2020/21 hier. Until the test result is known, you are requested to stay at home and work from home, in agreement with your superior, even if no symptoms persist and thus no inability to work exists. Einzelne Terminkonflikte, insbesondere zwischen CVT und MVT, lassen sich leider nicht vermeiden. ... Das Studium "Ingenieurpädagogik" an der staatlichen "KIT" hat eine Regelstudienzeit von 4 Semestern und endet mit dem Abschluss "Master of Science". Provided that the symptoms have been clarified by the family doctor, an infection with the corona virus has been ruled out, and the family doctor states that the respective person is capable of working, he or she may return to work even if slight residual symptoms still exist. The children affected by the closure are under 12 years of age. Whom can students turn to for psychotherapeutic help? Can I enroll online? Contact and information points for students and staff have switched their advisory services to telephone, email, and mail (and, if necessary, to the Microsoft Teams software). Der Standort des Studiums ist Karlsruhe. März und 24. Das Studium "Chemieingenieurwesen und Verfahrenstechnik" an der staatlichen "KIT" hat eine Regelstudienzeit von 6 Semestern und endet mit dem Abschluss "Bachelor of Science". KIT Scientific Publishing and the KIT Media Center are closed as well. Corona pandemic: bridging aid for students in financial emergency situations ... Regelstudienzeit im Fach Rechtswissenschaften erhöht ... Our cleaning kit helps to stay fit. Ideally, you will inform the Health Authority about the course attended, the teacher, the day, and the time. To comply with the Corona Ordinance of the Ministry of Science, Research, and the Arts of Baden-Württemberg (MWK), please wear community masks as used in public life, e.g. ), c. Distance rules (currently 1.5 meters). Wenn du Gesprächen an der Uni lauschst, könnte man den Eindruck gewinnen, dass die Regelstudienzeit die durchschnittliche Anzahl an Semestern sei. If you have not yet fully claimed the 20-day paid leave of absence, you can apply for unpaid leave of absence with compensation from June 2, 2020. Please resort to telephone or video conferences (e.g. A certificate of incapacity for work valid for up to seven days can be issued after telephone consultation with the family doctor and be sent by mail. : CN 22069 or CS 44313) can also provide advice at any time. KIT has taken extensive measures to raise the use of cloud-based services to an acceptable level under corona-related circumstances. In der Fachschaft unterstützen Studierende ehrenamtlich mit eigenen Erfahrungen aus dem Studium. a permanent class-type group (group formation principle) of up to 35 persons. 09.10.2020 Verlängerung der Regelstudienzeit Outside office hours, PSE is of course available by email and, if necessary, by phone outside the above-mentioned hours if pre-arranged by email. These include substitution, technical, organizational and personal protective measures - with priority in exactly this order - according to the so-called STOP principle. For this reason, access is no longer needed by persons from outside of the respective institutes and the public and is restricted to staff members. If you have questions, please directly contact your KIT department. In order to protect the health of all persons involved, please make sure that the recommendations by Robert Koch Institute and the health authorities as well as the Corona Regulations of the state of Baden-Württemberg are observed: Employees of external companies must not suffer from fever, cough, cold, or sore throat when working in KIT facilities. A further prerequisite is that students meet the minimum requirements for the prior Master’s transfer account as laid down in the study and examination regulations applicable to their respective Bachelor's degree program. Students who have questions about studying with children are welcome to contact the Zentrum für Information und Beratung: (in German only). When leaving the room, these cloths must be disposed of in the waste bins available. in the corridor). Please inform your relevant contact persons about this decision and, if necessary, ask for their goodwill until corresponding regulations have been implemented at the state level. This applies to events as well as to examinations or to studying and teaching. The duty to maintain one’s ability to work (§ 34 p. 1 of the Civil Service Status Act - Beamtenstatusgesetz - BeamtStG) requires that civil servants weigh up the necessity of the journey and the respective risk in a responsible manner. Organization of written examinations under Corona conditions is subject to special rules. May Courses Take Place on the Campus again? Bitte sehen Sie diesbezüglich von Rückfragen ab. If, despite reopening of the daycare facility, there are serious problems with the compatibility of work and family life, please contact your supervisor or your superior to find out whether it is possible to extend working from home. Am I allowed to move to Karlsruhe from a corona hotspot / risk area? Please note that no statutory compensation shall be provided for in times when schools and childcare facilities are closed anyway (e.g. Please do not hesitate to contact the KIT Medical Services if you have further medical questions. Graduating classes will have distance learning until Dec. 22, 2020. It provides information on the current process at: Do I still have to pay tuition fees as an international student? When planning the new dates, KIT tried to adhere as much as possible to the schedule drawn up before the corona crisis in order to minimize postponements. Information concerning LBV (State Office for Salary). Bitte informieren Sie sich zum aktuellen Stand unter den, letzte Änderung: Please ensure regular and thorough ventilation. As a result, the maximum period of BAföG support, which is linked to the standard period of study, is extended as well. Attendance may also be documented by a QR code at the venue or in addition to KONKIT registration. International students from third countries can ask at the International Students Office for certificates for (re-)entering Germany for studies. If you do not participate in ESS/MSS and will not be coming to campus for the foreseeable future, please note your daily working hours for one working week in a list (Word/Excel) and email it to PSE-Zeitwirtschaft with your supervisor in CC. When using FFP2 masks, make sure that they have no valve. The KIT Library, the Fachbibliothek HsKA (FBH), and the Fachbibliothek DHBW Karlsruhe (FBD) are closed for the time being until January 10, 2021 by virtue of the Baden-Württemberg Corona Ordinance. Please also keep sufficient distance on the walking paths, in front of food dispensers, cash desks and return of dishes. Das Studium wird als Vollzeitstudium angeboten. Please note: KIT cannot provide external companies with personal protective equipment. At the workplace, provided that a minimum distance of 1.5 meters to other persons is maintained. Laufend aktualisierte Fragen und Antworten zum Umgang mit dem Coronavirus: Casino am CN / Corona-Verordnung / KIT-Bibliothek / Schulen und Kitas (Stand: 18.12.2020) Mehr. Suggestions for the maintenance of this FAQ can be directed to Monika Landgraf monika.landgraf∂ (SEK-Gesamtkommunikation) and Timo Schreck timo.schreck∂ (SEK-GK). Here are the FAQ answered by the Crisis Unit. In buildings used by a large number of people, such as the Library or Audimax, cleaning staff controls the rooms and the amounts of soap and paper tissues several times per day. The same applies to “isolation at home" as recommended by the Robert Koch Institute. The state government of Baden-Württemberg has been taking a different line and has not issued any such guidelines so that there is no legal framework that would allow Baden-Württemberg universities to proceed in the same way. What is the state of affairs for the winter semester 2020/21 with regard to classroom teaching? Declaration on the Absence of a Suspected Corona Virus Infection in an Examination of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT): A feedback by email is necessary in any case! Tracking of potential infection chains is the responsibility of the Health Authority. * The figures are provided in accordance with the German regulation 'PKW-EnVKV' and apply to the German market only. particles with a size of one micrometer and less. Currently, consistently avoid face-to-face meetings and please conduct them exclusively online. These measures build on the experience gained when repeating the cancelled examinations of the winter semester 2019/20. Professor Franze erforscht, wie mechanische Kräfte das Wachstum von Nervenzellen beeinflussen. The DE PSE and the Data Protection Unit have compiled a list of things to be aware of here:, Technical questions on the setup of home office and mobile work are answered by SCC, the Information Technology Center at KIT. Unfortunately, no reliable statements can yet be made for the period after January 10, 2021, as this depends on the legal framework conditions. As a rule, no participant list is required for: In contrast, participant lists are required in the following cases: Our basic standards applicable in times of corona include the compliance with infection protection (distance, washing hands, sneezing and coughing etiquette, no suspected infected persons). At KIT, the previous regulations will be continued until then. Prüfungen und Praxis-Lehrveranstaltungen können -abgesehen von dem o.g. If students develop symptoms of a Covid-19 infection in the waiting area prior to admission to the examination venue or during the examination, examiners are obliged to immediately exclude these persons from the respective examination. In this case, coordination with the supervisor is required. Contrary to expectations, the planned vacation care for my child is not available: A claim for compensation according to the Infection Protection Act is not provided for vacation care - even if the planned vacation care fails to take place. What do I have to consider? In contrast to diploma students, students still enrolled in the "old SPOs" automatically fall under the new study and examination regulations when the examination deadlines expire, so that the regulations of the new SPOs apply with regard to examinations to be taken, deadlines, etc. Depending on the conditions at your workplace, additional protective measures may be required. What do I have to consider when entering from foreign risk areas? Measure c requires space and reduces the maximum number of participants per event. Please note that our plans for the 2020/21 winter semester are subject to the following Corona-caused provisions: The Center for Technology-Enhanced Learning at KIT operates a portal on online teaching: The business units SLE, INTL, and HAA answer further questions asked by lecturers on everyday university life, admissions, examinations, and fees on their FAQ pages: (access for lecturers via KIT account), Note: In line with the contact restrictions desired by federal and state politicians, the KIT Presidium has currently decided to completely suspend attendance events (practical events, written exams, etc.) commuters) are exempt from the test obligation. If urgent business reasons make it necessary to travel to a foreign risk area, a compulsory occupational health provision in accordance with G35 is indicated in advance. Please do not deregister by mail in these cases. Der Standort des Studiums ist Karlsruhe. KIT admission and enrollment regulations; Titel Stand Download ; 2020 KIT 054 Vierte Satzung zur Änderung der Zulassungs- und Immatrikulationsordnung am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) 03.11.2020, veröffentlicht 03.11.2020: PDF At the same time, emergency care will be provided in daycare centers and for students up to grade 7. Am KIT besteht die Pflicht einer Mund-Nasen-Bedeckung an folgenden Orten: Die KIT-Bibliothek steht in eingeschränktem Maße als Lernraum zur Verfügung, allerdings nur mit Sitzplatzreservierung. 1a IfSG in the amount of 67 % of the loss of payment (net pay). Food for consumption outside the dining hall (take away) can be packed as usual at the food distribution points for transport on request. Applications for waiver of tuition fees may also be submitted for the winter semester 2020/21. Lectures will end on February 20, 2021, and over the Christmas holidays and New Year, lectures will be free from December 24, 2020, to January 6, 2021. Planning of the courses is still under way and will only be completed largely in the course of the month of September. In order to be able to answer as many of your telephone inquiries as possible, but also to be able to cope with all other tasks and problems at the same time, PSE now offers telephone consultation only. The KIT still plans to start the next summer semester on April 12, 2021, thus reducing the semester break between the end of the winter semester 2020/2021 and the beginning of the summer semester 2021 by one week from eight to seven weeks. Exclusion from the examination will not be deemed to be an unexcused absence or withdrawal without giving any good reasons. Dafür ist kein Antrag auf Fristverlängerung notwendig. For reasons of IT security, please make sure that the latest available operating system or the current version of the app is installed on the service mobile phone when using the Corona App. The installation is voluntary in every respect. For this reason, the Legal Notes of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Finance on Civil Servants’ Dealing with the Corona Virus (Rechtliche Hinweise des Innenministeriums und des Finanzministeriums zum Umgang mit dem Corona-Virus für Beamtinnen und Beamte, in German only, as of May 27, 2020) expressly state that civil servants must clarify before the start of their journey how their ability to work after returning home can be ensured. Already granted vacation can only be cancelled for valid reasons. According to §7 of the Corona Ordinance of the State of Baden-Württemberg, typical symptoms include: Fever, dry cough, olfactory disorders, and taste disorders.
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