Please fill out a short questionnaire. It is rich in cultural monuments, and offers a variety of cultural events throughout the year, along with many leisure possibilities. As the centre of the Rhine-Main area, Mainz is well known for its friendliness and cosmopolitan outlook, which is best demonstrated during the carnival season. Applicants with a Bachelor's degree from outside the EU: University of Applied Sciences Mainz Sie passt durch ständige Innovationen die Studieninhalte an aktuelle Anforderungen des Arbeitsmarktes an und unterhält Kontakte zu zahlreichen Kooperationspartnern in Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Politik. 80 80 University of Hamburg. Das 3-semestrige Vollzeitstudium Kommunikation im Raum M.A. Your DAAD Team. Soon after the Roman era, the central city on the Rhine became the seat of the archbishop. Semester dates Semester 1 (winter): September – January Semester 2 (spring): March – July . in Management. Dear students and all interested parties. Hier möchten wir Ihnen beispielhaft aktuelle Studierende und ehemalige Absolventen vorstellen. Mainz is also an important economic base for industry as well as a significant media centre (ZDF, SAT 1 and Südwestfunk radio and television channels are all based in Mainz). Part I at the University of Applied Sciences Mainz: Part II at the University of Applied Sciences Mainz, Part III specialisation at partner university abroad. Business Law: Analyse the legal framework of intl. Studium ist modular aufgebaut. Students spend the first year of studies at the home university and the third (and fourth) semester at the partner university. but will help us tremendously to determine how we can improve the usability of our website. Im Master in Auditing werden neben langjährig praxis- und lehrerfahrenen Professorinnen und Professoren der HS Mainz und der Frankfurt School auch namhafte Praxisvertreter und Repetitoren eingebunden. an der Hochschule Mainz Ziele des Studiengangs Das Studium bereitet Sie auf die Übernahme von anspruchsvollen Fach- und Führungsaufgaben in privaten Unternehmen und öffentlichen Betrieben im höheren Dienst vor. Founded by the Romans 2,000 years ago, Mainz has played a central role in German history. Die vorlesungsfreie Zeit wird häufig für Unternehmenspraktika oder Hausarbeiten genutzt. Close. Master-Studiengang Kommunikation im Raum Hochschule Mainz. I am currently in my 2nd semester of my Master Studies (M. a certificate issued by a government agency, university or language training institute that clearly certifies that the applicant has achieved a minimum of level B2 of the Common European Framework (CEFR) in this particular language. Drei Double-Degree Master der Hochschule Mainz sahnen ab Ein voller Erfolg für drei Masterstudierende in International Business am Fachbereich Wirtschaft der Hochschule Mainz. Usually in their last semester, students work on their final thesis, which consists of a research project on an international business issue. The student registration office and the international office can only answer questions regarding profile details of your application. Hier finden Sie alle wichtigen Kontaktinformationen. A list of the current partner universities and double degree opportunities is available at the MA IB programme's web page: (click on "Study Programme at Partner Universities"). The MA IB programme takes four semesters in total. Welche Möglichkeiten bietet Ihnen ein Masterstudium Management am Arbeitsmarkt? Please visit the websites of the universities for up-to-date information. Attentive observers notice very quickly that the city was largely destroyed in February 1945 by air attacks. Around 50% of the students come from outside of Germany; all modules are taught and assessed in English and take an international perspective. The best architects and most talented sculptors created the general character of the city in the 17th century and designed unique palaces for the nobility, as well as new churches. 11507 Berlin Hochschule Mainz (FH Mainz) / Mainz University of Applied Sciences. Mainz has an impressive past. Die wichtigsten Studierendenvertretungen der Hochschule. c/o uni-assist e. V. Sie werden mit Themen der Volkswirtschaftslehre sowie der digitalen Wirtschaft vertraut gemacht und erhalten tiefere Einblicke in Forschungsmethoden in der BWL. Many of the graduates keep in touch years after their studies, creating a worldwide network. Sc.) The third semester takes place abroad at one of our partner universities and is dedicated to the specialisation. Prüfungsordnung Stand 20.02.2020, Lesefassung Fachprüfungsordnung Stand 14.04.2020, die Vermittlung eines integrierten Managementansatzes, die Entwicklung von spezifischen Fachkompetenzen in den Bereichen Marketing Management, Human Resource Management oder Finance & Controlling, die Schaffung internationaler Handlungskompetenzen. Thank you very much for your support! 55128 Mainz. Thousands of flashcards & notes for your lectures at the Hochschule Mainz StudySmarter is the learning app for students at the Hochschule Mainz Perfect preparation for your exams at the Hochschule Mainz with an individual study plan Study together with the Hochschule ... Master. This content is not available or only partially available in English. Liste der Fachgruppen des Fachbereichs Wirtschaft mit weiterführenden Informationen. Hochschule Mainz ... Hochschule Mainz - University of Applied Sciences Master's degree International Business. Die Masterarbeit wird während des 4. Der Standort des Studiums ist Mainz. Master's ... 0 0 Hochschule Mainz. Due to the current situation, there may be changes in the individual course offers. Abschluss: Master of Science (M.Sc. Das viersemestrige Management M.Sc. It broadens your knowledge by adding a truly international perspective to your business education and prepares you for middle management positions. The city of Mainz is an extremely attractive place for foreign students and a magnet for countless tourists. trade including UNCITRAL, EU law and intl. ... Hochschule Mainz. Aktivitäten Der Masterstudiengang vertieft Ihre Kenntnisse des Finanz- und Supply Chain Managements. Ihr beruflicher Hintergrund gewährleistet einen hohen Anwendungsbezug ebenso wie wissenschaftliche Fundierung. Katalog der Master Messe Mainz. For all further information regarding the content and admission modalities, please contact the relevant faculty staff. Courses available for exchange students Design course only. Business Environment: Analyse world trade and world financial flows as well as exchange rate issues from a macro-economic and business perspective. Die Hochschule Mainz zählt zurzeit mehr als 5.000 Studierende und bietet eine international orientierte Ausrichtung, einen stark ausgeprägten Praxisbezug sowie angewandte Forschung und Lehre. Das Studium bereitet Sie auf die Übernahme von anspruchsvollen Fach- und Führungsaufgaben in privaten Unternehmen und öffentlichen Betrieben im höheren Dienst vor. Die Studieninhalte erarbeiten Sie sowohl in Vorlesungen, Seminaren und Einzelübungen, aber auch in Fallstudien, Gruppendiskussionen, Projektarbeiten, Kleingruppenarbeit, Management-Simulationen, Unternehmensplan- und Rollenspielen. Customer Relationship Managerin in einer Unternehmensberatung, Strategischer Einkäufer in internationalem Kosmetikkonzern, Software Engineer bei renommiertem Technologie-Dienstleister, Immobilienbewerter eines Sachverständigenbüros oder Controllerin bei einem bankenunabhängigem Anbieter elektronischer Handelsplattformen – die Berufsbezeichnungen unserer Absolventeninnen und Absolventen verdeutlichen, dass Sie mit einem Management M.Sc. Proof of proficiency in English by presenting one of the following tests (not older than two years): Proof of basic knowledge of German (A2), by handing in one of the following: Proof of another language on advanced level (B2), by handing in one of the following: The MA IB board of examiners decides upon the equivalence of evidence. A strong emphasis is placed on individual work and self-study projects. The city is situated 27 km from Frankfurt Airport (FFM) and due to its central location in Europe, nearly all European capitals are within one to two hours' flying distance. we are re-designing our website and want to include you in the process. Applied Project (Practical Experience): During their studies in Mainz or the summer break between year 1 & year 2, participants apply the analytical tools learned in the first two semesters to a real-life case. Informationen zum Studiengang Management M.A. Mit Erfahrungsberichten, NC-Liste und zulassungsfreien Studiengängen. PLATE Ulla CIDD post : International Office Institute : Hochschule Mainz: University of Applied Sciences Address : Lucy Hillebrand-Str.2 55128 Mainz Germany Phone : +49 6131 628 7360 Mobile : +49 6131 629 97360 Email : [email protected] With three universities in town, Mainz hosts around 35,000 students. Dies ist der Internetauftritt der Hochschule Fulda. Broad, roomy squares, lovingly restored half-timbered houses and magnificent baroque churches give the old town its charming, convivial character. As a graduate of the MA IB programme, future employers will appreciate your ability to work in and lead culturally diverse working groups, and your willingness to be internationally mobile. Nevertheless, students may take up a (student) job that fits into their schedule. für Studierende mit einem Studienstart bis Wintersemester 2017/18. Assessments consist of a written examination at the end of the semester, presentations, essays or a combination of these. organisations, access to markets including ICC rules on delivery and payment terms, licences, intellectual property rights, and anti-trust issues. Die Klausurpläne der Teilzeitstudiengänge des Fachbereichs Wirtschaft sind komplett unter HIP verfügbar. In order to fulfil the double degree requirements, the student may need to earn more than 120 ECTS credits. Folgende Qualifikationsziele werden mit dem Masterstudium Management angestrebt: Das Masterstudium Management ist für Absolventen und Absolventinnen mit betriebswirtschaftlichen Bachelorabschlüssen gedacht. Das Management M.Sc. Die breit angelegte Ausbildung stärkt Ihr Entwicklungspotential im Unternehmen. Group work is also very important. Master: Berufsintegrierend: SoSe: Hochschule Mainz Mainz is twinned with Dijon (France), Watford (England), Zagreb (Croatia), Valencia (Spain), Haifa (Israel), Erfurt (Thuringia) and Louisville (Kentucky, USA). Auf Grund dessen findet in einer Blockwoche vor dem 4. 2 55128 Mainz Germany MA IB students spend their first academic year at Mainz University of Applied Sciences, where they are familiarised with the core subjects of international business. In order to guarantee the transfer of credits, we strongly recommend the programmes at our partner universities. Der Schwerpunkt liegt in der Vermittlung führungsrelevanter Handlungsoptionen. Zum Vernetzen anmelden Miell Tirana. Concerts. Student halls of residence: Rent for a single room is approx. Semester ein internationales Managementseminar mit einer Exkursion in einen anderen Kulturkreis statt. Das 3-semestrige Vollzeitstudium Kommunikation im Raum M.A. Zusätzlich ermöglicht es danach eine weitere wissenschaftliche Ausbildung im Rahmen eines Promotionsstudiums. Hochschule; Studium. 55128 Mainz Participants apply the analytical tools learned in the first two semesters to a real-life case. marketing and their implications for product and price positioning as well as placement and communication. Telephone: +49 6131 28944-730 Semesters verfasst. Introduction The Master’s Degree Programme (MMus) in Guitar, is a post-graduate degree course, which aims to provide advanced-level training and in-depth artistic and academic knowledge in relation to the guitar. Digital Transformation: Broaden the students’ knowledge on problems and challenges of digital transformation. Private housing can be found on the Internet, e.g., at: Katalog der Master Messe Mainz. Studium Management M.Sc. The objective is to deepen their design qualifications and … Die Veranstaltungen finden montags bis freitags statt. Im Anschluss besteht die Möglichkeit auf eine Promotion. Intl. During my 2 year program at Hochschule Mainz I am interested in internships, research programs and part time job opportunities related to Change Management, international HR & Project Management. We take pride in our modern campus, which is an inspiring and creative place to study. Ideally, students do the applied project work in an international company in the summer break between the first and second year of studies. Abroad at partner university: Please check the partner universities' websites. Intl. Master of Arts in International Business (MA IB), Leadership and Human Resources Management. International applicants are encouraged to submit their applications earlier. )Studiendauer: 4 SemesterECTS-Punkte: 120Studienbeginn: Sommer- und WintersemesterSprache: Deutsch und Englisch, zum Wintersemester: siehe PDFzum Sommersemester: siehe PDF. Please hand in an official transcript of your grades from your Bachelor's studies along with your application. For example: students starting the programme in Mainz spend the third (and fourth) semester at one of the partner universities. Larger and smaller groups work together on projects, which may be provided by (international) companies. Master of Music Guitar (Facebook) Koblenz International Guitar Festival & Academy; Hochschule für Musik Mainz . two pages) is required, in which applicants explain their motivation for their choice of the partner university (rank one to three) and their willingness to spend a part of the studies abroad. Ideally, students do the applied project work in an international company. The MA IB programme allows you to acquire the skills needed in international business. The program also includes an eight week applied project which is an internship practical training period. Dabei erstreckt sich ein Modul über jeweils ein Semester. Best regards, We regret to inform you that due to the spreading of Sars-CoV-2 (Coronavirus), the Mainz School of Music currently cannot offer any public concerts. Infrastructure of HS Mainz. Das Management M.Sc. accounting principles and their application in different world trade areas (e.g., US-GAAP and IFRS). The teaching approach includes projects and group works, so that students will soon get accustomed to working in international teams. Aber auch Absolventinnen und Absolventen entsprechender Diplomstudiengänge können mit diesem Master in BWL Ihr Kompetenzprofil stärken. Corporate Finance: Students focus on multinational enterprises. 380-525 EUR per month (depending on the type of accommodation). A personal statement (approx. Studium in Mainz über einen Abschluss verfügen, der es Ihnen erlaubt, flexibel und branchenunabhängig berufliche Chancen wahrzunehmen. Everything you need to know about our Master’s programme in Applied Computer Science Durch eine erste Spezialisierung können Sie sich zudem klar profilieren. Acquire the skill to "read" income statements of multinational enterprises published in different economic areas. Katalog der Master Messe Mainz. Masterstudiengänge Vollzeit Hochschule Auszug aus dem Masterprogramm. Leitfaden zur Anfertigung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten, Lesefassung Allg. Intl. The subsequent rebuilding of the city is now also part of its history. Das zeichnet den Masterstudiengang Management an unserer Hochschule besonders aus. Accommodation is available through the Student Services Office ("Studierendenwerk") or on the private market. Location Mainz, Germany.,_Mainz a high school diploma if German is your native language, a certificate issued by government agencies, universities or language training institutes which clearly certifies that level A2 of the Common European Framework (CEFR) is achieved, a certified translated copy (into English or German) of your high school diploma (to provide proof of your native language when this was the language of instruction). richtet sich an Absolventen eines Bachelor- oder Diplomstudiums der Fachrichtungen Innenarchitektur, Architektur und Design, die ihre Kompetenzen themenspezifisch erweitern möchten. We will be updating this website to keep you posted on any new developements. A Bachelor's degree in Management or Business Studies with above-average marks is required. Try. The Master's thesis may be combined with an internship in a multinational company or be based on an independent research project. Die Pflichtveranstaltungen werden in jedem Semester angeboten und schließen mit einer Fachprüfung ab. Marketing: Learn about the principles of export-based, multi-domestic and global approaches of intl. Results are presented and reported back to the group. As a professor at Hochschule Mainz, University of Applied Sciences (Germany) and UCES ( Argentina) teaching methods in each course are a mixture of lectures and seminars, this is truly international. The length of the paper is around 20,000 words. Research Management and Doctoral Coordination. Hochschule Mainz (HS Mainz) offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees such as bachelor degrees, master degrees in several areas of study. The MA IB is a full-time study programme. Nicole Gladys, Olta Muça und Andrés Camilo Rodriguez haben sich um eines der fünf Stipendien des Consortium of International Double Degrees, kurz CIDD, beworben und richtig abgesahnt. Master of Arts International Business (MA IB), Lucy-Hillebrand-Str. Master of Arts International Business (MA IB) Das Studium "Management" an der staatlichen "Hochschule Mainz" hat eine Regelstudienzeit von 4 bis 5 Semestern und endet mit dem Abschluss "Master of Science". Diese Themen setzen Sie anschließend im Unternehmensplanspiel um. At many partner universities, MA IB students can also spend the fourth semester (writing their Master's thesis) at the partner university and may also be awarded a Master's degree by the partner university (double degree). In englischsprachigen Modulen erweitern Sie darüber hinaus Ihre Sprachkenntnisse auf hohem Niveau. Studium bereitet Sie auf die Übernahme von anspruchsvollen Fach- und Führungsaufgaben in privaten Unternehmen und öffentlichen Betrieben im höheren Dienst vor. Fragen? The city's most famous son, Johannes Gutenberg, printed the first bible in 1452. Business Law. Übersicht Vor dem Studium ... Studieren in Mainz Im Studium Immatrikulation, Rückmeldung und Exmatrikulation Services Studierendenver ... Master: Vollzeit: WiSe: Technik: Auditing M.Sc. More information regarding the life of the university can be found on its social media pages:Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin. Wenn Sie neben dem Studium in Mainz ein Auslandssemester einplanen, verlängert sich die Studienzeit meist um ein weiteres Fachsemester. Financial Reporting: Learn about intl. I) Master’s Degree Programme (MMus) in cooperation with the Hochschule für Musik der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. Master-Studiengang Kommunikation im Raum Hochschule Mainz. The Master's thesis doesn’t need to be defended, unless the student is aiming for a double degree programme and the partner university requires a defence. Please note that in order to fulfil the language requirements, applicants must present clear and truthful documentation. Currently, nearly 3,100 students are enrolled at our School of Business at the University of Applied Sciences Mainz and more than 60 professors as well as 115 external lecturers from large companies ensure an excellent balance of theory and practice. Provide evidence of excellent knowledge of English, basic knowledge of German (A2) and advanced knowledge in another language (B2). You will find detailed information about living and studying in Mainz on the website of the "Studierendenwerk". Applicants should express their preferred partner universities (1-3) for the stay abroad during the third (and fourth) semester of studies on a form to be downloaded from the MA IB programme's website: An application form is to be downloaded from the MA IB programme's website, completed and submitted. Review the School of Design study programme. As students usually move from Mainz to a partner university - or from the partner university to Mainz - the applied project may be supervised by the partner university abroad. Our students are our primary concern and this is why we offer them small study groups and direct links to leading companies situated in the Rhine-Main region. Master of Law and Economics of the Arab Region (MLEA) at University of Hamburg in Hamburg, Germany. Studium an unserer Hochschule ist genau das Richtige für Sie, wenn Sie bereits einen ersten betriebswirtschaftlichen Studiengang erfolgreich abgeschlossen haben, eine Führungsfunktion anstreben und sich im Rahmen eines Masterstudiengangs umfassend weiterqualifizieren möchten. Mainz, the capital of Rhineland-Palatinate - one of the 16 states (Bundesländer) of the Federal Republic of Germany - with 212,000 inhabitants, has an impressive historical past and is more than 2,000 years old. Master … During their final fourth semester students will work on their Master thesis either at the partner university or in Mainz. Germany. Applied Computer Science. Insgesamt wurde das Studium bisher 7 Mal bewertet. Das Sommersemester beginnt Mitte März und endet Mitte Juli, das Wintersemester läuft von Ende September bis Ende Januar. Email : [email protected] Function(s) : Manager of Master’s Program International Business. Teaching methods in each course are a mixture of lectures and seminars. Applicants who wish to apply for the programme at the University of Applied Sciences Mainz have to fulfil the following requirements: Applicants who wish to apply for the programme at the University of Applied Sciences Mainz have to fulfil the following requirements: The programme also includes an eight-week applied project, which is an internship / practical training period.
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