Syncope clinical managment in the ED: a consensus from the first international workshop on syncope risk stratification in the ED. DOI: 10.1007/s10729-012-9217-8. Ippoliti R. (2016). Presented paper: “Judicial efficiency and immigrant entrepreneurship’’. Judicial Efficiency and Entrepreneurs’ Expectations on the Reliability of European Legal Systems. Articles (peer-review journals): (Scopus Author ID: 36608285300; ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9199-452X). European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. (2011), 9th Workshop Italian Society for Industrial Economics and Policy (SIEPI) – Rome (Italy). 360 im Gebäude X - Magistrale - Ebene C2. Prime Sports is an independent full-service mediahouse in the fields of Action Sports, Active Living, Lifestyle and Youth Culture. European Journal of Law and Economics, Vol 35 (1): 61-85. The reform of judicial geography: technical efficiency and demand of justice. 40 (2): 29-49. Italian Journal of Public Economics, Vol. Getting yourself organised is an essential part of studying. Follow Berliner Zinnfiguren on Bloglovin’ to see their favorite blogs and articles from across the web. Presented paper: “Pharmaceutical clinical research, an empirical analysis of European market of human experimentation’’. 2009 Political Utilization of the Natural Environment effect on societies between Ibn Khaldun and Montesquieu, Rislan Publication House, Damascus. In A. Marciano and G. Ramello (Ed. Briefkasten: ), Encyclopedia of Law and Economics. Springer. 14 (2): 109–125. 47(3): 747-755. In the months before the semester starts, it can be difficult to find a suitable apartment or room in Paderborn – affordable accommodation is in high demand at this time of year. DOI: 10.1186/s12913-018-3513-z. Ich bin zu o.g. (2015), A long-term approach to Entrepreneurship. The Impact of Judicial Efficiency on Entrepreneurial Action: A European Perspective. The Economic Impact of Clinical Research in an Italian Public Hospital: The Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Case Study. Ippoliti R. (2015). Advisor: Prof. Mario Ferrero (University of Eastern Piedmont), Co-advisor: Prof. Gianna Lotito (University of Eastern Piedmont). 23 (89): 124-148. 2012 - Ph.D. in Comparative Analysis of Institutions, Economics and Law; Doctoral School of Law, University of Turin. Falavigna G., Costantino G., Furlan R., Quinn J.V., Ungar A., Ippoliti R. (2019). [email protected] Telefon +49 521 106-4917 Fax +49 521 106-2993 Telefon Sekretariat +49 521 106-6909 − Sekretariat zeigen Büro UHG V10-133 − Lage-/Raumplan Sprechzeiten nach Vereinbarung Briefkasten 1714 The Demography of Firms and Industries in Europe: Past, Present and Future Perspectives, Södertörn University – Stockholm (Sweden). Artificial Neural Networks and risk stratification in Emergency Departments. 14(2): 291–299. Conference at Bielefeld university “BRiDGE and BRiDGE II projects: Title of the presentation: “Aspects of Integration of Adult Refugees in Germany”. 2 (2015): 91-124. Edward Elgar Publishing. Casagranda I., Costantino G., Falavigna G., Furlan R., Ippoliti R. (2016). Advisor: Prof. Fabio Privileggi (University of Eastern Piedmont). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_3630-1. Waffen, Munition, Technik, Leidenschaft! 2018 Syrian economies: a temporary boom? Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Vol. DOI: 10.1007/s10818-011-9121-1. DOI: 10.3280/POLI2013-002002. Economic notes - Review of Banking, Finance and Monetary Economics, Vol. European Heart Journal, Vol. In J. Backhaus (Ed. 217 (2012): 643-652. DEA-based Malmquist productivity indexes for understanding courts reform. 45: 533–554. Dissertation: “Sensitivity analysis of markets through Lagrange multiplier”. 60 (3): 319-342. 2 (2014): 53-90. International Journal of Health Planning and Management, Vol. MECOSAN - Italian quarterly of health care management, economics and policy, Vol. Institutional efficiency and financial health. Telefax 0941 943-1995. AG 4 : Schulentwicklung und Schulforschung. The efficiency of regional health care systems in Italy: public or private? Europace, Vol. Ippoliti R., Melcarne A., Ramello G. (2015). Selected conferences and workshop (oral presentation): Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung (ZiF), Verantwortung und Integrität in der Wissenschaft, Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften / Lehrstuhl für VWL, insb. 2010 Ibn Khaldun: founder of a new social science. Ciabattoni A., Ippoliti R. (2018). [email protected] Telefon: +49 521 106-6866 Büro: Gebäude X D2-237 , Lage-/Raumplan Sprechzeiten: montags bis donnerstags 8 bis 15.30 Uhr freitags per Mail/Telefon von 8 bis 14 Uhr Wegen der Corona-Krise bin ich zur Zeit im Homeoffice. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-7883-6_197-1. Public Organization Review, Vol. Project: “Efficiency of the Italian judicial system”. 01-09-2014: Lifetime appointment in Al-Furat University (Syria), as Lecturer in Political Sociology. ), Research Handbook on Comparative Law and Economics (pp. Springer. Journal of Small Business Management, Vol. Ippoliti R., (2013). International Review of Economics, Vol. You can earn for traffic you drive to a specific item, but also any traffic that results in a sale. Economic efficiency of countries’ clinical review processes and competitiveness on the market of human experimentation. [email protected] Telefon +49 521 106-6311 Telefon Sekretariat +49 521 106-6889 − Sekretariat zeigen Büro UHG L6-105 − Lage-/Raumplan Sprechzeiten nach Vereinbarung Briefkasten 1067 Costantino G., Sun B., Barbic F., (...), Wieling W., Furlan R. (2016). Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. Ippoliti, R., Falavigna G. (2013). Hospital organization and performance: a directional distance function approach. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-7883-6_758-1. 2019 Older Refugees in Germany: What Are the Reasons for the Difficulties in Language-learning?. Dies sind einige Beiträge aus unserer Live-Sendung, die wir jeden Donnerstag 19 Uhr ausstrahlen. Lomolino G., Falavigna G., Ippoliti R. (2014). DOI: 10.1016/j.seps.2017.07.001. How Has it Turned into Bad Treatment against Refugees and What Are the Effects?. Lehrbeauftragter im Bereich Transnationale Beziehungen, Entwicklungs- und Migrationssoziologie (Prof. Faist), Education 2007-2010: Ph.D. at Damascus University, Syria 2003-2007: Master in Sociology at Damascus University, Syria 2001-2003: Postgraduate Diploma in Sociology at Damascus University, Syria 1996-2001: Studies of Sociology at Aleppo University, Syria. (2016), 21th National Conference of Italian Health Economics Association (AIES) – Bologna (Italy). Presented paper: “Court’s efficiency and judges’ productivity”. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2014.07.014. Human Mating Theory, Migration, and Household Dissolution. 2009 The theory of the state by Ibn Khaldun. In A. Farazmand (Ed. Annals of Oncology, Vol. Ippoliti R., Falavigna G., Montani F., Rizzi S. (2018). DOI: 10.1093/intqhc/mzz015. 19 (11): 1891-1895. - Al Ajlan, Ahmad. Ippoliti R., Melcarne A., Ramello G. (2015). 33(4): e1100-e1111.. DOI: 10.1002/hpm.2591. Falavigna G., Ippoliti R., (2013). Sun B., Costantino G., Barbic F., (...), Wieling W., Furlan R. (2014). 20 (4): 461-475. Human experimentation. The private healthcare market and the sustainability of an innovative community nurses programme based on social entrepreneurship - CoNSENSo project. 64 (6): 649–655.e2. Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, Vol. Making profits working on patients’ expectations, a behavioral analysis of pharmaceutical clinical research. Presented paper: “The impact of bankruptcy enforcement on payment times: evidence from the Italian manufacture industry’’. Vehicle classification . The sustainability of a community nurses programme aimed at supporting active ageing in mountain areas. Based on their specific characteristics, they are divided into three categories - Premium, Comfort and Standard - in order to best meet the needs of the customers. [email protected] Homepage Prof. Dr. Stefan Kühl Telefon: +49 521 106-3977 Telefon Sekretariat: +49 521 106-6943, Sekretariat zeigen Büro: Gebäude X C2-220 , Lage-/Raumplan Sprechzeiten: Vereinbarung von Sprechstundenterminen über das ekvv unter "Terminvereinbarungen - Termine online vereinbaren"! (2010), 15th National Conference of Italian Health Economics Association (AIES) – Moncalieri (Italy). - Al Ajlan, Ahmad. DOI: 10.1007/s10657-014-9456-x. Avogadro”. 421–449. ... Department of Business Administration and Economics – University of Bielefeld, Germany. Health Policy, Vol. 16 (2013): 148-154. - Al Ajlan, Ahmad. 27 (suppl 4): iv7-iv8. Die komplette Mediathek mit ca. DOI: 10.1007/s10657-010-9190-y. 2017–2019 - Lecturer for Applied Economics, Department of Management and Department of Law, Political, Economic and Social Science – University of Eastern Piedmont, Italy. PT Gebäude, Zi. Industrial spatial dynamics, financial health and bankruptcy: evidence from Italian manufacturing industry. 2013 - Post-Doc in Public Economics; National School of Administration - Presidency of the Council of Ministers (Prime Minister’s Office), Rome. (2017), Workshop on the Law and Economics of Migration and Mobility – Bern (Switzerland). Plan B Bielefeld - Friedrichstrasse 65, 33615 Bielefeld, Germany - Rated 4.8 based on 2 Reviews "Nach der Wiedereröffnung zu alter Stärke zurückgefunden!" Journal of Refugee Studies.- Al Ajlan, Ahmad. Falavigna G., Ippoliti R. (2018). Anti-Dumping. Presented paper: “Courts efficiency and judges productivity: the case study of Italian tax justice”. Presented paper: “Economic impact of sponsored clinical trials in treating patients with Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma’’. Eden University Magazine - the Republic of Yemen. Falavigna G., Ippoliti R., Ramello G. (2018). - 27-08-2018 to 29-08-2018 University of Duisburg Essen: SIG 13 and InZentIM Conference “Migration, Social Transformation, and Education for Democratic Citizenship”.- From 15-09-2007 to 18-09-2007, I participated in the 17th forum held for Arab young Sociologists in Tunisia, with research entitled “the Social integration in Thawra City – Syria”. 2017–2019 - Lecturer for Applied Economics, Department of Management and Department of Law, Political, Economic and Social Science – University of Eastern Piedmont, Italy. Subjects’ decision making process: an empirical analysis on patients’ mobility process and the role of pharmaceutical clinical research. Briefkasten Gebäude X / E 1 - weiße IKG-Briefkästen. 57(2), pp. Numico G., Viale M., Bellini I., Ippoliti R., Rossi M., Maan T., Carobene A., Pizzini A., Mistrangelo M., Bertetto O. The market of human experimentation. There are 30+ professionals named "Alex Cordes", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities. Very very simple scenery, lacks the surrounding areas and the buildings are not really up to current standards. Funneling users to our high-converting landing pages can really move the needle. (2012), 25th Workshop in Law and Economics – Erfurt (Germany). Kontakt im Adressbuch speichern. Economic burden of patients with Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma in a high prevalence center. Especially in the summer months from July to September, when many first-year students are looking for accommodation. 7(8), 728–737. Costantino G., Falavigna G., Solbiati M., (...), Furlan R., Ippoliti R. (2017). The LehramtsNavi (teacher training navigation system) and Career Service’s programme of Falavigna G., Ippoliti R. (2018). Avogadro”. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, Vol. Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. DOI: 10.1093/europace/euw336. 2018 Quarrels between Young Refugees and Young Germans in Bautzen. Ippoliti R., (2012). ), Encyclopedia of Law and Economics. DOI: 10.1007/s10101-018-0212-5. 5 were here. Teaching Experience 2019/20: MA course - Refugee movements to Europe: Reasons and challenges, Bielefeld University, Germany2019: BA course - Analysing Global Order, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany2014: Research methods in the social sciences, Damascus University, Syria. Spätleerung oder Sonntagsleerung ) , inkl. 4,297 Followers, 120 Following, 244 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from LKZ (@ludwigsburgerkreiszeitung) Compared to other university towns, Paderborn’s - From 2014 to 2016, I participated as an international expert from Syria in a global project (variety of democracy) Gothenburg University, Sweden. Priorities for Emergency Department Syncope Research. 2004-2014: Social Counselor in Damascus Directorate of Education. Board of supervisors: Prof. Giovanni Tria, Prof. Alberto Petrucci and Dr. Massimo Gerli (National School of Administration). DOI: 10.15171/ijhpm.2018.13. 2017–2018 - Scientific Expert in social entrepreneurship and sustainability (EU research project “CoNSENSo” - Interreg Alpine Space) – Piedmont Region, Italy. - 04-12-2018 Public lecture at The Institut für Pädagogik und Schulpsychologie in Nürnberg with the title: “Junge Männer aus Syrien und Ihre Weltbilder-Herausforderungen für Deutsche Schulen“. 2009 The Structural Problems of the Arabic States and the shock of the globalization. Publications- Al Ajlan, Ahmad. Law and Economics, Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften / Institut für Technologische Innovation, Marktentwicklung und Entrepreneurship, Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaft, Philosophie und Theologie, Fakultät für Linguistik und Literaturwissenschaft, Fakultät für Psychologie und Sportwissenschaft. Springer. Artificial Neural Network and risk stratification models in Emergency Departments: the policy maker’s perspective. In ihren Lehrveranstaltungen und Forschungsvorhaben befassen sich die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter der Arbeitsgruppe 4 mit Fragen der Organisation und didaktischen Gestaltung von Lehr- und Lernprozessen in der Schule. Presented paper: “Pharmaceutical clinical research, an empirical analysis of European market of human experimentation’’. 62- Al Ajlan, Ahmad. 10-01-2014: Lecturer at Damascus University - College of Education – Faculty of Education. Annals of Emergency Medicine, Vol. DOI: 10.1093/annonc/mdw332.14. Dissertation: “The market of human experimentation, a law and economics analysis of the pharmaceutical clinical research”.
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