+49-(0)441-798-0 Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Sozialökonomik, International Business Studies, Wirtschaftsinformatik Modulhandbuch – Wintersemester 2019/2020 Bachelorstudiengänge Chancen nutzen. %PDF-1.7 Modulhandbuch B.Eng. Login für alle teilnehmenden Dienste der Uni Oldenburg. 2019 1 / 65 11. College & University. <> stream Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg Hochschule Emden/Leer Version vom 13.04.2011 Modulhandbuch Bachelor of Engineering . Modulhandbuch (Stand: 2012) - PDF 251,37 KB (öffnet neues Fenster) Prüfungen - Hinweise, Rechte und Pflichten Prüfungen - Hinweise, Rechte und Pflichten: Weiter Modulhandbuch für den Bachelorstudiengang mit der Lehramtsoption Berufskollegs Studienfach Wirtschaftswissenschaft (PO2011-V2013) Sie können viele der folgenden Elemente aufklappen und zuklappen, indem Sie die Schaltflächen und benutzen. 1. 09. Erstsemester Wirtschaftswissenschaften / BWL Jura - Uni Oldenburg WS 14/15 has 306 members. Modulhandbuch (Bachelor of Education mit Vorleistungen Masterstudium) ab Studienjahr 2020/21 (Stand 12.02.2020) Modulhandbuch (Bachelorkurse) Studienjahr 2017/18 (Stand: 25.09.2017) List of English Courses offered at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences in WS 19/20. Die Goethe-Universität ist eine forschungsstarke Hochschule in der europäischen Finanzmetropole Frankfurt. ... Das Modulhandbuch ist inhaltlich in zwei Teile gegliedert: I. Übergeordnete Informationen Diese können Ihnen helfen, Kurse für Ihr Learning Agreement zu finden. Bachelorstudiengänge. Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg Ammerländer Heerstraße 114-118 26129 Oldenburg Tel. Worms : VMK, Verl. Wirtschaftswissenschaft an der Uni Oldenburg: Finde jetzt heraus, was dieses Studium so besonders macht und warum du diesen Studiengang in Betracht ziehen solltest Im Modulhandbuch sind sämtliche Module für das Wintersemester und das Sommersemester aufgeführt und erläutert.Da das Modulhandbuch nicht ständig veränderbar ist, kann es zu Abweichungen beim Turnus kommen, … Seite 1/147 Du interessierst Dich für das Studium Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der Uni Oldenburg? des Fachbereichs Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg ... B-1: Mathematische Grundlagen für die Wirtschaftswissenschaften ... findet man auf der BWL-Homepage www.bwl.uni-bayreuth.de unter der Rubrik „Studieren im Ausland“. Insgesamt wurde … Wirtschaftswissenschaften . Lehrveranstaltungen der Uni Oldenburg StudIP. 132 0 obj für Marketing, SS 1980 - WS 2006/07(2006 Dezernentin: Beatrix Eckert AM 04 Tel +49 335 5534 4210 [email protected] Sekretariat: Arite Fuhrmann AM 05 Tel +49 335 5534 4240 Fax +49 335 5534 479 Prof. Dr. Michèle Morner Lehrstuhl für Personal, Führung und Entscheidung im öffentlichen Sekto Auslandssemester im WiSe 21/22 und SoSe 22: JETZT BEWERBEN! Hier findest Du nützliche Infos zum Studiengang. International Business Studies . www.uni-bamberg.de univis.uni-bamberg.de fis.uni-bamberg.de Suche starte Otto-Friedrich Universität Bamberg Modulhandbuch Bachelorstudiengang Politikwissenschaft sowie für das Fach Politikwissenschaft im Rahmen von Mehr-Fach-Bachelorstudiengängen Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften Gilt auch für das erweiterte Hauptfach mit 150 ECTS-Punkten, das zweit Die Startseite der Website des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaft der Universität Bremen. The English and American Studies Wiki, Oldenburg ...more about this site. 2020 1 / 170 International Module Handbook (Stand: 27.02.2018) Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg Ammerländer Heerstraße 114-118 26129 Oldenburg Tel. Sc.) Lebendig, urban und weltoffen besitzt sie als Stiftungsuniversität ein … -4- Bachelor of Engineering in Engineering Physics: Course Concept / Übersicht Field 1 st Semester 2 nd Semester 3 rd Semester 4 th Semester 5 th Semester 6 th Semester CP/% Mathematics Mathematica l Methods for Physics and Engineering I … Uni Oldenburg // BWL, Oldenburg, Germany. Modulhandbuch MIEEP.pdf 1.14 MB; M.Sc. Wirtschaftsinformatik . Modulhandbuch Bachelor Haupt-, Real-, Sekundar- und Gesamtschulen Modulhandbuch der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät Master Wirtschaftswissenschaft (PO 2018, 4 Semester) Wintersemester 2020/2021 Modulhandbuch Studiengang Master Wirtschaftswissenschaft (PO 2018, 4 Semester) Leibniz Universität Hannover Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät - Studiendekanat - Version 1.0 Stand: 28. Modulhandbuch B.Sc. Bachelorstudiengang Wirtschaftswisenschaften – Modulhandbuch SoSe 2020 Modulhandbuch Stand: 15.10.2020 (WiSe 2020/21) 3 STUDIENAUFBAU Das Studium gliedert sich in folgende Bereiche: 133 0 obj Modulhandbuch polyvalenten Zwei-Hauptfächer-Bachelorstudiengang – Wirtschaftswissenschaft (mit Option Lehramt Gymnasien) 12 in HISinOne den Kurs 00LE00FACE-PH-Account PH-Account anfordern für Uni-Studierende in auf. Modulhandbücher ab WiSe 20/21, gültig für alle Studierenden mit Studienbeginn ab WiSe 16/17. Auf dieser Seite sind einige Modulkataloge unserer Fächer aufgelistet. Sozialökonomik . Links to CAS Resources. für die . %���� BWL (PNPM) 3 Hinweis: Dieses Modulhandbuch baut auf dem allgemeinen sowie dem fachspezifischen Teil der Prüfungsordnung des Studiengangs Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Modulhandbuch der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaft (PO 2017) Wintersemester 2019/2020 Modulhandbuch Studiengang Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaft (PO 2017) Leibniz Universität Hannover Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät - Studiendekanat - Version 1.0 Stand: 11. Please note that even for those courses you are still requested to sign up on Stud.IP. Wirtschaftswissenschaften - Fach-Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften - Master of Education (Wirtschaftspädagogik) Wirtschaftswissenschaften - Zwei-Fächer-Bachelor Der Standort des Studiums ist Oldenburg. Examination Regulations. << /Type /Page /Parent 1 0 R /LastModified (D:20201224104850+01'00') /Resources 2 0 R /MediaBox [0.000000 0.000000 595.276000 841.890000] /CropBox [0.000000 0.000000 595.276000 841.890000] /BleedBox [0.000000 0.000000 595.276000 841.890000] /TrimBox [0.000000 0.000000 595.276000 841.890000] /ArtBox [0.000000 0.000000 595.276000 841.890000] /Contents 133 0 R /Rotate 0 /Group << /Type /Group /S /Transparency /CS /DeviceRGB >> /Annots [ 6 0 R 7 0 R ] /PZ 1 >> Regulations of 16.07.2014 as revised on 15.07.2015 (German) Informal English Translation (only the German version is legally binding) Diploma Supplement. Sign up for Facebook today to discover local businesses near you. This is the interactive part of the institute's web page.It is used for various purposes: Contact our IT-Support und Medienreservierung; Some Courses have their own pages where you can find schedules and materials. Shop for the best Gifts, Boxes, Candles, Clocks, Tables & Furniture. Anhang B1 Modulhandbuch B.Eng. detailed course information This Page all courses that use the seminar's wiki Course Ideas. Modulhandbuch - Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften https://groups.uni-paderborn.de/ww-sharepoint/modulhandbuchv2018/mhb.php?Druckausgabe[26.03.2019 09:43:51] Das Studium "Wirtschaftswissenschaften" an der staatlichen "Uni Oldenburg" hat eine Regelstudienzeit von 6 Semestern und endet mit dem Abschluss "Bachelor of Arts". The links below will lead you to the resources of the workshops in Oldenburg and Bremen in 2014. endobj Workshop Oldenburg, 24/04/2014 Link/URL Workshop Bremen, 22/11/2014 Link/URL Modulhandbuch . where you have to register Kommentiertes Veranstaltungsverzeichnis. Money and Finance. Das Studium wird als Vollzeitstudium angeboten. If you are interested in participating in the course "Finding and Developing Your Research Project", please apply via sending a mail to [email protected] Notice that this course begins in form of an intensive block week (winter: 28.09-02.10.2020 / summer: 22.03-26.03.2021) before the term starts and contains some meetings throughout the semester. aktuell überarbeitete Fassung (Stand Oktober 2020) Modulhandbuch Bachelor Grundschulen. Module directory - Courses of study from A to Z, Angebote der ZSKB für Studieninteressierte, Combinations of field of study and final degree, Area of specialisation: Practica - Bachelor's Programme, Area of specialisation: Practica - Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme, Area of specialisation programs without teaching post - Bachelor's Programme, Area of specialisation programs without teaching post - Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme, Area of specialisation programs with teaching post - Bachelor's Programme, Area of specialisation programs with teaching post - Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme, Art - Master of Education Programme (Grundschule), Art - Master of Education Programme (Gymnasium), Art - Master of Education Programme (Hauptschule and Realschule), Art - Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education), Art and Media - Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme, Art and Media Studies - Master's Programme, Bachelor: Modulangebot für Studierende mit außerschulischem Berufsziel - Bachelor's Programme, Bachelor: Modulangebot für Studierende mit außerschulischem Berufsziel - Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme, Bildungswissenschaften - Master of Education Programme (Grundschule), Bildungswissenschaften - Master of Education Programme (Gymnasium), Bildungswissenschaften - Master of Education Programme (Hauptschule and Realschule), Bildungswissenschaften - Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education), Bildungswissenschaften - Master of Education Programme (Vocational and Business Education), Biology - Master of Education Programme (Gymnasium), Biology - Master of Education Programme (Hauptschule and Realschule), Biology - Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education), Biology - Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme, Business Administration and Law - Bachelor's Programme, Business Administration, Economics and Law - Master's Programme, Business Administration, Economics and Law - Structured Doctoral Programme, Business Administration for Medium-Sized Enterprises - Bachelor's Programme, Business Administration for Top Athletes - Bachelor's Programme, Business Informatics - Bachelor's Programme, Business Informatics - Master's Programme, Chemistry - Master of Education Programme (Gymnasium), Chemistry - Master of Education Programme (Hauptschule and Realschule), Chemistry - Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education), Chemistry - Master of Education Programme (Vocational and Business Education), Chemistry - Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme, Comparative and European Law - Bachelor's Programme, Comparative and European Law - Master's Programme, Computing Science - Master of Education Programme (Gymnasium), Computing Science - Master of Education Programme (Hauptschule and Realschule), Computing Science - Master of Education Programme (Vocational and Business Education), Computing Science - Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme, Cultural Gender Studies - Structured Doctoral Programme, Dutch - Master of Education Programme (Gymnasium), Dutch - Master of Education Programme (Hauptschule and Realschule), Dutch - Master of Education Programme (Vocational and Business Education), Dutch Linguistics and Literary Studies - Master's Programme, Dutch Linguistics and Literary Studies - Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme, Economic Education - Master of Education Programme (Hauptschule and Realschule), Economic Education - Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education), Economic Education - Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme, Economics and Business Administration - Bachelor's Programme, Economics and Business Administration - Master of Education Programme (Vocational and Business Education), Economics and Business Administration - Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme, Ecumenism and Religions - Master's Programme, Education - Structured Doctoral Programme, Education - Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme, Education and Research Management - Master's Programme, Elementary Mathematics - Master of Education Programme (Grundschule), Elementary Mathematics - Master of Education Programme (Hauptschule and Realschule), Elementary Mathematics - Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education), Elementary Mathematics - Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme, Embedded Systems and Microrobotics - Master's Programme, Engineering of Socio-Technical Systems - Master's Programme, Engineering Physics - Bachelor's Programme, English - Master of Education Programme (Grundschule), English - Master of Education Programme (Gymnasium), English - Master of Education Programme (Hauptschule and Realschule), English - Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education), English - Master of Education Programme (Vocational and Business Education), English Studies - Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme, Environmental Modelling - Master's Programme, Environmental Science - Bachelor's Programme, Environmental Sciences and Biodiversity - Structured Doctoral Programme, European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations - Master's Programme, European Master in Renewable Energy (EUREC) - Master's Programme, European Studies in Global Perspectives - kein Abschluss, Gender Studies - Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme, General Education - Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme, General Studies - Master of Education Programme (Grundschule), General Studies - Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education), German - Master of Education Programme (Grundschule), German - Master of Education Programme (Gymnasium), German - Master of Education Programme (Hauptschule and Realschule), German - Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education), German - Master of Education Programme (Vocational and Business Education), German as a Foreign Language / German as a Second Language - Master's Programme, German Studies - Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme, Germany - Eastern Europe: Cultural Contact in the Past and Present - Master's Programme, Hearing Technology and Audiology - Master's Programme, History - Master of Education Programme (Gymnasium), History - Master of Education Programme (Hauptschule and Realschule), History - Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education), History - Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme, Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship - Master's Programme, Integrated Media - Audiovisual Media in Practice, Theory and Instrumentality - Master's Programme, Intercultural Education and Counselling - Bachelor's Programme, Language Dynamics: Acquisition, Variation, Change - Master's Programme, Law and Information Systems - Master's Programme, Management Consulting - Master's Programme, Management of Technology Enhanced Learning - Master's Programme, Marine Environmental Sciences - Master's Programme, Material Culture: Textiles - Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme, Mathematics - Master of Education Programme (Gymnasium), Mathematics - Master of Education Programme (Vocational and Business Education), Mathematics - Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme, Molecular and Nanoscale Science - Structured Doctoral Programme, Molecular Biomedicine - Master's Programme, Museum and Exhibition - Master's Programme, Music - Master of Education Programme (Grundschule), Music - Master of Education Programme (Gymnasium), Music - Master of Education Programme (Hauptschule and Realschule), Music - Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education), Music - Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme, Neurocognitive Psychology - Master's Programme, Neurosensory Science and Systems - Structured Doctoral Programme, Pedagogic acting in migration society - Bachelor's Programme, Philosophy - Master of Education Programme (Gymnasium), Philosophy/Values and Norms - Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme, Physics - Master of Education Programme (Gymnasium), Physics - Master of Education Programme (Hauptschule and Realschule), Physics - Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education), Physics - Master of Education Programme (Vocational and Business Education), Physics - Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme, Physics, Engineering and Medicine - Bachelor's Programme, Physics, Engineering and Medicine - Master's Programme, Politics - Master of Education Programme (Hauptschule and Realschule), Politics - Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education), Politics - Master of Education Programme (Vocational and Business Education), Politics and Economics - Master of Education Programme (Gymnasium), Politics and Economics - Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme, Postgraduate Programme Renewable Energy - Master's Programme, Processes of Educational Structuring for Classroom Practice and Teacher Education - Structured Doctoral Programme, Protestant Theology and Religious Education - Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme, Protestant Theology and Religious Education - Master of Education Programme (Grundschule), Protestant Theology and Religious Education - Master of Education Programme (Gymnasium), Protestant Theology and Religious Education - Master of Education Programme (Hauptschule and Realschule), Protestant Theology and Religious Education - Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education), Protestant Theology and Religious Education - Master of Education Programme (Vocational and Business Education), Rehabilitation Counseling Education - Master's Programme, Renewable Energy Online - Master's Programme, Risk Management for the Financial Industry - Master's Programme, Russian - Master of Education Programme (Gymnasium), Slavic Studies - Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme, Social Studies - Structured Doctoral Programme, Social Studies - Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme, Special Needs Education - Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education), Special Needs Education - Master of Education Programme (Vocational and Business Education), Special Needs Education - Structured Doctoral Programme, Special Needs Education - Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme, Sports - Master of Education Programme (Grundschule), Sports - Master of Education Programme (Gymnasium), Sports - Master of Education Programme (Hauptschule and Realschule), Sports - Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education), Sports - Master of Education Programme (Vocational and Business Education), Sport Science - Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme, Sustainability Economics - Bachelor's Programme, Sustainability Economics and Management - Master's Programme, Sustainability Economics and Management - Structured Doctoral Programme, Technology - Master of Education Programme (Hauptschule and Realschule), Technology - Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education), Technology - Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme, Textile Design - Master of Education Programme (Grundschule), Textile Design - Master of Education Programme (Hauptschule and Realschule), Textile Design - Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education), Values and Norms - Master of Education Programme (Gymnasium), Values and Norms - Master of Education Programme (Hauptschule and Realschule), Values and Norms - Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education), Values and Norms - Master of Education Programme (Vocational and Business Education), Water and Coastal Management - Master's Programme.
Hs Emden Prüfungsanmeldung, Blumenkohl überbacken Mit Ei Und Paniermehl, Journalismus Studium Staatlich, Psychologie Praktikum Ideen, Alfried Krupp Dgzrs Verbleib, Jungennamen Mit B Und 6 Buchstaben, Mediendesign Duales Studium Gehalt, Upleward Haus Kaufen, Typische Konflikte In Der Schule,
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